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  • 大谷 千正
  • Otani, Sensho, 1956
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検索結果 Results: 30/44(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 オペラ「幻の如くなる一期」 Opera “Life is Impermanent Like an Illusion” sop, m-sop(3), ten(2), bar(2), bass, mix-chor, m-chor, orch Stage works 2011
2 オペラ=コミック「二人のマルグリート」 Opéra - Comique “Deux Marguerites” sop(2), m-sop(2), ten(2), bar(2), orch Stage works 2016
3 オペラ=コミック「エンマ」 Opéra - Comique “Emma” sop(3), m-sop(2), ten, bar, orch Stage works 2022
4 カンタータ「歎異抄」 Cantata “Tan-ni- shou” sop, bass, mix-chor, pf(2) Orchestra, Choir 2000
5 三帰依 Sankie sop, pf, bass Large ensemble (11 or more players), Vocal ensemble 2003
6 いつか私は(II) Someday I Will…(2) f-chor, pf, elec–org Large ensemble (11 or more players), Choir 2005
7 瞑想 Meditation vn, vc, pf-4hnds Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1995
8 無量光 Amitābhā perc(5) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2006
9 松虫と鈴虫の二重唱 Duo de Matsumushi et Suzumushi sop, m-sop, pf Duos and Trios, Vocal ensemble 2007
10 後鳥羽上皇と伊賀局 Ex - empereur Gotoba et Madame Iga m-sop, bar, pf Duos and Trios, Vocal ensemble 2008
11 白い手紙 White Letter alt, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 1996
12 アミータ Amita sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 1997
13 Rêve m-sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 1998
14 白い手紙(II) White Letter (2) alt, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 1999
15 恩徳讃 On-doku-san sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2000
16 恩徳讃(II) On-doku-san (2) bass, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2000
17 葬送歌 Élégie bass, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2002
18 敬礼文 Kyoraimon sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2003
19 いつか私は Someday I Will... sop, pf, electric organ Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2003
20 風になろう Like the Wind... bass, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2004
21 ひそかにおもんみれば… Reflecting within Myself… bar, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2007
22 恵信尼の二つのアリオーソ Two Ariosoes of Eshin-ni m-sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2012
23 二つのアリア 2 Arias for soprano sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2013
24 3つのアリア 3 Arias for Male Voice bar, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2015
25 3つのアリア 3 Arias for Soprano sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2017
26 マルグリート・H.の4つのアリア 4 Arias of Marguerite H. sop, pf Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2019-2021
27 真宗宗歌 Shinshu Shuka sop, bass, pf Vocal ensemble 2000
28 歎異抄 A Record in Lament of Divergences sop, bass, pf Vocal ensemble 2000
29 讃仏偈 Sanbutsuge sop, pf, bass Vocal ensemble 2001
30 重誓偈 Juseige sop, bass, pf Vocal ensemble 2003
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year