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検索結果 Results: 30/50(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 耳なし芳一 Miminashi Hoichi tape Stage works, Electronics 1987
2 よだかの星・やまなし・セロ弾きのゴーシュ Yodaka no hoshi, Yamanashi, Serohiki no Goshu nar, ob, cl, b-cl, vc, perc, synth Stage works, Small ensemble (4-7 players), Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 1996
3 蜘蛛の糸 Thread of Spider nar, ob, cl, bn, va, perc, shaku, shino, shami, dancer(2) Stage works 2005
4 宮沢賢治「風の又三郎」 Kaze - no - Matasaburou fl, ob, cl, vc, perc, nar Stage works 2020
5 散華 Sange orch Orchestra 1989
6 プラズマ Pulasma sho, str-orch Orchestra 1992
7 伎楽飛天 Gigaku-hiten orch, shomyo, gagaku ensemble Orchestra, Choir 2000
8 連暁 Ren gyo orch, shomyo, gagaku ensemble Orchestra, Choir 2002
9 ラプソディー Rhapsody orch Orchestra 2010
10 神楽 KAGURA orch Orchestra 2021
11 ミクロコスモス Microcosmos ocarina(8) Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2009
12 象景 Shoukei fl, gui, vc, vib Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1972
13 四季 The Four Seasons fl(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1981
14 フランス革命 French Revolution fl, cl, vn, vc, pf Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1988
15 芭蕉にそそぐ五つのまなぎし Five Eyes on Basho fl, gui, perc(2) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1990-1991
16 玉響 Tamayura vc(2), pf(2), hn Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1998
17 注文の多い料理店 The Restaurant of Many Orders nar, ocarina(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players), Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2007
18 注文の多い料理店 The Restaurant of Many Orders nar, fl, ob, cl, vc, gui, perc Small ensemble (4-7 players), Vocal solo with or without instrument(s) 2011
19 鯨たちへの挽歌 Elegy for whales vn(2), va, vc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2015
20 修羅 Shura vc(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2017
21 リディア Lydia vo(6) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 2018
22 ヴァケーション VACATION db, pf, perc Duos and Trios 1981
23 阿陀 A-Da biwa, vc(2) Duos and Trios 1982
24 空之祈 Ku no inori gui, cl, db Duos and Trios 1986
25 ミゼレーレ Miserere vn, va, vc Duos and Trios 1994
26 Manji perc(2), bagpipe Duos and Trios 1995
27 ミゼレーレ Miserere org, ob Duos and Trios, Orchestra 1997
28 オラショ Orasho fl, vc, pf Duos and Trios 1998
29 ピカソの絵画「泣く女」による“モノローグ” Monologue after Picaso’s Painting “Crying Woman” vc(2) Duos and Trios 2001
30 オルガン・ミサ Organ Mass org, ob Duos and Trios 2006
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year