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  • 松尾 祐孝
  • Matsuo, Masataka, 1959
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検索結果 Results: 30/102(1Page)
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year 
1 児童合唱オペラ「ニングル」 Children Chorus Opera “Ninguru” c-chor, perc(2), pf, recorder(2) Stage works, Choir 1995 rev.[2004]
2 対立 ANTAGONISM orch Orchestra 1986
3 活気ある風景 Lively Scenes orch Orchestra 1989
4 飛来 IV Hirai V chbr-orch, pf Orchestra, Large ensemble (11 or more players) 1989 rev.[1993]
5 飛来 V Hirai V cl, pf, orch Orchestra 1991 rev.[1995]
6 飛来 IV Hirai IV pf, orch Orchestra 1991
7 フォノスフェール第1番 Phonosphere I shaku, orch Orchestra 1993 rev.[1997]
8 天風愛舞和庵 Ten. Five. One kokyu, orch Orchestra 1998
9 序章—人類の未熟さに対して(フォノスフェール第3番) Prologue - Against Immaturity of the Human Race (Phonosphere III) orch Orchestra 2001
10 悠久の書 Eternal Livre biwa, str-orch Orchestra 2008
11 フォノスフェール IV-a Phonosphere IV-a koto, so, orch Orchestra 2010
12 フォノスフェール IV-b Phonosphere IV-b gui, orch Orchestra 2011
13 悠久の書—ギター協奏曲ヴァージョン Eternal Livre - Guitar Concerto Version - gui, str-orch Orchestra 2013
14 噴星叢 Fun-Sei-Soh timp, org, pf, str Large ensemble (11 or more players) 1997
15 音・音—二群の邦楽器のための二章 Sound. Sound japanese instruments(14) Large ensemble (11 or more players) 1998
16 12本のトロンボーンの我楽多祭り Rubbish Ceremony of One Dozen Trombones trbn(12) Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2000
17 日本古謡からの奇想曲とフーガ Capriccio and Fuga from Japanese Traditional Songs sax Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2009
18 アンサンブル・ヌーボー・パラダイス第1番 Ensemble Nouveau Paradise no.1 fl, sax, tpt, trbn, perc, tub, electric organ(2) Large ensemble (11 or more players) 2014
19 飛来 III—クラリネットと弦楽のための協奏曲 HiraiI III cl, str Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 1986
20 交響幻想曲「ヤータ!」 Ya Ta! perc Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 1987
21 Kyo perc(8) Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 1992
22 ティンパニア II Timpania II timp(2), perc(6) Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 1994
23 糸の書 Livre of String koto, so(4), shami, biwa, shino, shaku(2), perc Medium ensemble (8-10 players) 2010
24 飛来 II—弦楽四重奏曲第1番 HiraiI II vn(2), va, vc Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1985
25 Autumn perc(4), synth Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1986
26 フラクタル・セレモニー Fractal Cerémony Small ensemble (4-7 players), Medium ensemble (8-10 players), Large ensemble (11 or more players) 1987
27 美しの都 Beautiful City shaku, org Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1991
28 天風愛舞和庵 Ten. Five. One kokyu, mar(2), perc(2) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1992
29 ティンパニア Timpania timp, perc(4) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1993
30 七変化 Shichi-henge shaku, shami, koto, so(2) Small ensemble (4-7 players) 1995 rev.[2004]
タイトル  Title  Medium  Genre  Year